
Instant finance: the rise of real-time payments

Real-time payments have emerged as a transformative force and a cornerstone of payments modernization. Learn what they are — and much more — here.

cashier with curly brown hair wearing a denim apron helps a customer from across the counter with paying for their purchase with their phone
Bank of New York BNY

BNY: leading real-time payments innovation with Volante Technologies 

Volante Technologies

Volante Technologies, Case Studies

To stay ahead of market demands and accelerate digital transformation, BNY partnered with Volante to launch the first real-time payments (RTP®) transaction on The Clearing House’s new network.

SouthState Bank

SouthState bank: real-time and instant payments modernization with PaaS

Volante Technologies

Volante Technologies, Case Studies

Partnering with Volante Technologies, SouthState Bank launched a comprehensive Instant Payments initiative as part of a multi-year strategy to enable faster, seamless, and secure payment experiences.

cashier with curly brown hair wearing a denim apron helps a customer from across the counter with paying for their purchase with their phone

Instant finance: the rise of real-time payments

Anoop Basavarajaiah

Anoop Basavarajaiah, Director Pre-sales: Americas, Volante Technologies

Real-time payments have emerged as a transformative force and a cornerstone of payments modernization. Learn what they are — and much more — here.

The rise of real-time payments

The rise of real-time payments: a Q&A with Keith Gray of The Clearing House

Keith Gray

Keith Gray, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, The Clearing House

In a recent episode of Volante Elevate, Vinay Prabhakar, CMO at Volante, spoke with Keith Gray, VP of Partnerships at The Clearing House, about the Real-Time Payments (RTP) network. The blog summarizes their conversation, providing insights into the current state and future of RTP in the United States.

Hand holding compass on highway to sunset

Navigating the future of commercial payments: Insights into US instant payments

Christian Vega

Christian Vega, Sales Director, Volante Technologies

The advent of instant payments has ushered in a transformative era across various industries, reshaping traditional payment methods and fostering innovation and agility.

Collaborating financial services professionals shaking hands around table

Crafting the future of financial services with data and collaboration

Deepak Gupta

Deepak Gupta, EVP Product, Engineering & Services, Volante Technologies

The second blog in a two-part series focusing on the role of data, intelligence, and risk in the modernization of payments for the new era.

Dark blue digital map of United States with red arrow ascending through it.

U.S. Faster Payments Barometer: 2023 Survey Results, Part 2

Rob Golding

Rob Golding, Director, Volante Technologies

Fraud concerns, demand for cross-border transactions and more — see part 2 of Volante’s annual U.S. Faster Payments Barometer survey.

Real-time payments in the Iberian Peninsula

Peter Larsson

Peter Larsson, Nordic Business Development & Pre-sales Lead, Volante Technologies

We look at the current state of instant payments in Spain and the broader Iberian Peninsula, in addition to highlighting some unique opportunities for banks throughout the region to emerge at the forefront of innovation.

FedNow service officially set to launch in July

Nadish Lad

Nadish Lad, Global Head of Strategic Business, Volante Technologies

The Federal Reserve recently announced that its long-awaited instant payments service, FedNow, will officially begin operating in July, 2023. The service has been in the works for quite some time, with more than 100 payments processors and financial institutions having already participated in an initial pilot program.

Por qué los pagos en tiempo real son una buena noticia para América Latina

Saul Munoz

Saul Munoz, Sales Director, LatAm, Volante Technologies

Los pagos en tiempo real son tendencia en países de todo el mundo, y Latinoamérica no es la excepción. En nuestra reciente encuesta de LinkedIn sobre los pagos digitales en Latinoamérica, el 76% de los encuestados afirmó que los pagos en tiempo real son la tendencia de pago digital más notable en la región.

Preparing for Instant Payments in the US: 4 Key Strategies to Align Your Business Case with Enterprise Goals

Carrie Blankenship

Carrie Blankenship, Payments Innovation Principal – Americas, Volante Technologies

In the third and final edition of this blog series, we take a closer look at the instant payments journey and address communicating the value of instant payments to secure approval and support from the C-suite.

Unpacking the “Big Survey” on Payments Modernization in 2022, Part 2: Interoperability and the Rise of Cloud and PaaS Solutions, Globally

John Farrell

John Farrell, SVP & Global Head of Product Management, Volante Technologies

In part two of this blog series, we’ll take a closer look at how respondents are approaching key interoperability challenges and the integration of emerging networks, as well as the increasing role of cloud and PaaS solutions in accelerating global payments modernization.

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